Meet Johanna Budwig ; Part 2

Oxygen is the crucial weapon in the fight against cancer and the treatment or Dr. Budwig stimulates the oxygen supply better and faster the other therapies .

This protocol adjusts the body’s pH beyond neutral and thus alkalizes the body , meaning it,s full of oxygen , which destroys mutated cancer cells . Dr Budwig protocol involves the consumption of common flaxseed oil and quark cheese , she discovered that “healthy “(fat-free) diets aggravate the state, so she removed the damaging fats and foods that lead to cellular oxygen starvation and substituted them with healing foods and essential fatty acids .


Dr Budwig also points out the need for sunlight as a natural source of vitamin D3, which has potent anti -cancer properties .

The treatment has 2 stages , the first one being the consumption of a all natural combining of protein/sulfur of quark/cottage cheese , omega -3 fats from flaxseed , she found that the body synthesizes omega-3 in the needed quantity .

This treatment was taken orally , and in case of terminal cancer , she gave ( flaxseed oil ) in enema form. The 2ad stage consists of a special diet which should be followed for over 6 months .


Here is the recipe ;

. 2-5 tablespoons of flaxseed oil , 10 supplement capsules or 1-3 tablespoons of freshly grounded flaxseed

.1 cup of pure quark cheese

. little “dash’ of cayenne

it is also important that the quark cheese is not made with homogenized milk and the flaxseed be used right after exposure to air, stir the treatment with a wooden spoon only . This should be taken orally at least once a day.

PART 2: THE DIET: ( over 6 months )

. Consume only freshly prepared foods

. Avoid all processed foods

. Avoid butter and margarine

. Avoid soft drinks

. Avoid commercial mayonnaise , toppings and salad dressings

. Avoid non-organic and non-range fat meats

. Avoid pure animal fats like  fat-back, lard, etc .

. Your diet should be chemical free

. Drink a cup of warm tea (3) times a day and sweeten it with natural sweeteners

. Avoid artificial sweeteners like High Fructose corn syrup

. Limit the use of all Pharmaceuticals

. Avoid Tap water and bottled water and use only fluoride -free products .

MORE TIPS ( you should add as well )

. Avoid fish oil and non-flax sources of omega-3 fatty acids

. Consume a tablespoon of cold-pressed organic  coconut oil daily

. Avoid “table”salt and replace it with high quality unbleached sea salt

. Avoid soy products and canola oil

. Take vitamin C daily but no more than 5 grams to prevent kidney stress

. Use oxygen drinks , several times a day


I have the answer to cancer , but the American doctors won,t listen . They come here and observe my methods and are impressed . Then they want to make a special deal so they can take it home and make a lot of money . I won,t do it , so I,m blackballed in every country .


I suggest that you do your own research on this wonderful doctor on your own and look her up on YouTube as well , for there are more detailed accounts on the therapy above .

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